NE Fest
10.09 - 14.09.2013

NEFestisafestivalforindependentexperimentalart, initiated by a group of young artists, with the cooperation of the Student Council of the National Academy of Arts (NAA) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The festival will be released as an off program of the fourth edition of the digital art festival DA Fest, organized by NAA. 

NE Fest’s aiming at younger public and at introducing it to an intriguing selection of emerging Bulgarian and international authors (Australia, Italy, China, Poland, USA, Taiwan, Sweden). The common trait between the participating artists is their innovation in employing the traditional media, as well as the ease in combining it with various unconventional means of expression.

Inspired by the energy of the current public events in Sofia and the model of the flash mob, NE Fest goes beyond and outside the space of the Art Academy to seek the balance of the interaction between the urban environment and the arts. In complement to DA Fest’s focus on the digital arts, NE Fest presents a diverse spectrum of media. It includes installations, video art, photography, illustration, drawing and painting. What is more, the festival is designed to function as an artifact piece of art itself.

 NE Fest will not simply provide the floor for exhibiting artwork but it will live as a free platform for experience and discussion with the public.

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