Participate as a co-author in the 2019 Share Sofia creative programme. Let’s further develop the projects with which Sofia and Southwest Region applies for European Capital of Culture 2019. We believe that we succeeded in getting through the first stage of the competition thanks to the 16 000 postcards with citizens’ ideas and the suggestions of the participants in a number of thematic creative workshops and discussions.
Ahead is the second decisive round of the competition. We would like to further develop the Sharing Sofia creative concept together and in co-authorship, which is not simply to be submitted for assessment to the international jury in July 2014, but is also to be our road map for transformation of the city and its cultural offering. We believe that only with shared efforts we will win the title of European Capital of Culture and will be a true European city!
Who can participate?
Anyone who has an original, innovative, unusual, unique idea for a project that is conceptually linked to one of the 2019 programme streams: Sharing Heritage; Sharing Memories; Sharing Routes; Sharing Spaces; Sharing Values; Sharing Secrets; Sharing Possibilities; Sharing Dreams; Sharing the Link.
Get acquainted with the Sharing Sofia concept and artistic programme structure, as well as with the programme stream for which you will develop a conceptual project. The participation of diverse partners and interdisciplinary approach is recommended. The conceptual projects must be in compliance with the European Commission ECoC criteria “European Dimension” and “City of Citizens”. Describe the idea in 250 words and send it to
When? You can send your ideas on the nine programme streams by 1 April. All the authors of an idea are invited to participate in public discussions.
5 March 2014 - discussion of project ideas under program streams Sharing Heritage; Sharing Memories; Sharing Routes.
12 March 2014 - discussion of project ideas under program streams Sharing Spaces; Sharing Values; Sharing Secrets.
19 March 2014 - discussion of project ideas under project streams Sharing Possibilities; Sharing Dreams; Sharing the Link.
IMPORTANT! This is not the only selection of conceptual projects. The development of the programme is a process that will continue if Sofia and Southwest Region wins the ECoC 2019 title.